Cape Agulhas Guest House

Cape Agulhas: The Southernmost Tip of Africa

Explore Africa’s Southernmost Point

Located at the southernmost point of the African continent, lies a place of geographical wonder and breathtaking coastal beauty: the Tip of Africa. Cape Agulhas, better known as the southernmost point of the African continent, is an iconic South African landmark, marking the point where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet. Often confused with Cape Point (The Cape of Good Hope), the tip of Africa is actually located at Cape Agulhas.

Where is the Tip of Africa?

The Tip of Africa, Cape Agulhas, is the true southernmost point of the African continent, and is located approximately 176 kilometres southeast of Cape Town, South Africa. 

  • Latitude: Approximately 34°49’58” S
  • Longitude: Around 20°00’00” E

Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias first named it “Cabo das Agulhas” or “Cape of Needles” in the 15th century. Cape Agulhas is not only known for its geographical significance but also for being the place where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet, making it an important site for oceanography and coastal navigation.

Stand At The Southernmost Point of Africa

Visiting the Tip of Africa at Cape Agulhas is a must-do Western Cape experience. Here are some of the highlights you can expect on your visit to Africa’s southernmost coastline:

Spectacular Scenery

The Tip of Africa is surrounded by the Agulhas National Park, a natural wonderland of fynbos flora, bird life, and native coastal species. Its rugged terrain, hiking trails, viewing points, unique Western Cape vegetation and stunning sea views make it a paradise for photographers, bird watchers and hikers.

Abundant Marine Life

With two ocean currents and a shallow sea bank, Cape Agulhas and Struisbaai boast some of the best fishing spots in the world. Keep an eye out for the resident stingrays that swim close to shore and the Southern Right Whales that migrate to the Cape every year.

Confluence of Oceans

One of the most remarkable features of Cape Agulhas is the official meeting point of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Often mistaken for the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Agulhas is the real place where the two oceans meet, creating a dramatic collision of warm and cold ocean currents.

The Real Place Where the Two Oceans Meet

Contrary to popular belief, the meeting point of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans is not actually at the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Point), but rather at a location further east, in Cape Agulhas. The misconception is common due to the Cape of Good Hope’s more significant recognition and close proximity to Table Mountain and Cape Town.

Cape Agulhas is a must-see destination for travel enthusiasts wishing to see the two oceans, and visitors who want take a picture or stand at the southernmost point of the African continent. The 2.5 hour drive to L’Agulhas, from Cape Town City Centre, is more than worth the trip. For, when you visit Agulhas, you’ll be able to witness the exact spot where the two oceans meet.



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